martes, 17 de julio de 2012

Scorpions are a German band of hard rock1 2 3 4 and heavy metal, 5 6 7 8 founded in Hanover in 1965, the first hard rock band born in the country germano.9 In the beginning were called Nameless (those without names), then switched to The Scorpions until late 1969 called simply decide Scorpions. The first album was the band's LP Lonesome Crow in 1972, with the Schenker brothers on guitars. The following year Michael Schenker left the band and its replacement is integrated guitarist Uli Jon Roth, to record the following discs of the band Fly to the Rainbow in 1974, in 1975 In Trance, Virgin Killer in 1976, Taken by Force in 1977. The sound of the band in the early 70's was a hard rock / heavy metal, with hints of psychedelic rock and vocalizations strong, and sound much louder and harder than the later works, and inclined to a current more comercial.10 the latest work of "Uli Jon Roth era" is the live album Tokyo Tapes 1978.

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